Battison Dental Care, 26-28 Main Street, Davidsons Mains, Edinburgh EH4 5BY    0131 336 3747

Our Services

Battison Dental Care offers a wide range of services to keep your teeth healthy and attractive throughout your life.

The majority of treatment is provided through a Dental Careplan or by Private Contract. We will be pleased to explain these options and the costs involved.

Download Battison Dental Care Plan information leaflet

Download Battison Dental Maintenance Plan information leaflet

Choosing the best way to pay

After you have been examined and a treatment plan has been agreed, you will be given a written estimate of the cost of the work to be done. If the treatment is expensive or complex, the final cost may vary from the original estimate. We accept most debit and credit cards.

If you are under 26 years of age you qualify for free dental treatment. Please ask for details of NHS charges and any entitlement to exemption from these charges.

As part of our service children, students and young adults up to the age of 25 can be treated on the National Health Service. A small number of adults over 25 may still be treated on the NHS. If you have any questions about NHS dental provision in the area, please phone NHS Lothian on 0131 242 1000.

Children requiring treatment to improve the appearance of crowded or protruding teeth will be referred to an orthodontic specialist.

Our Treatments

Battison Dental Care
  • Children's fluoride application

  • Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Teeth Whitening

  • Root canal treatment

  • Crown and bridge work

  • Dentures

  • Hygienist

  • Mouth guards

Get in touch to arrange an appointment.